It’s been one of those days: work was long and your boss was grouchy, you have two exams this week you’ve been dreading, and you have spent a total of 12 hours on campus. Now …
The Importance of Breakfast
You’ve likely heard the saying “breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” As a college student, your mornings are often packed with classes, studying, or rushing out the door. It is tempting to …
Delicious Cinnamon Rolls
Cinnamon rolls are a food to share. Whether during the holidays, special occasions, a cold day, or as a comfort food, cinnamon rolls are a perfect dessert for any setting. They are warm, sweet, and …
Healthy Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins
Batch-Cook Muffins for Breakfast These delicious and easy to make pumpkin chocolate chip muffins are perfect to freeze so that college students have something to eat for breakfast. Made in advance, they only take 30 …
Breakfast Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cakes
Easy and Fast Gluten Free Breakfast The most important meal of the day should not be skipped because it’s too complicated, takes up too much time, or simply is inedible. Gluten free options can be …